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Quality control

The particulate and chemical purity of each production batch of our best-selling high-tech cleaning wipers is randomly checked in our quality laboratory. The user benefits from our process security. On request, our QA inspector will issue a "Certificate of Compliance" with details of the relevant test data for an additional charge.

Diagram : Quality control cards of the batches of the high-tech cleaning wiper type SONIT ™ MDM
. Please select the year of manufacture at the top left.



Since 2006, our company has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 for the areas of development, production and distribution of consumables for clean technology.

Clear & Clean products are manufactured in Germany. The company's headquarters is the Ostsee-Werk Lübeck.

Main characteristic quality:

We promote a lived culture of maintaining and improving the delivery quality of our products. This includes the following measures:

  • The involvement and motivation of all employees in the permanent improvement through the visualization of productivity and quality data and through a bonus system for complaint-free periods.

  • Constant investments in the renewal of the measurement and testing technology in order to stay up to date with the latest technology and to record the probabilities of errors long before failure occurs.

  • The operation of an extensively equipped research laboratory for the qualification of new materials, for the development of new test methods as well as for the support of our customers in questions concerning wiping cleaning procedures.

Test methods for quality control

Particle determination  (IEST-RP-CC004.4)

In a standardized procedure, the degree of leaching of textile materials before and after the aquatic decontamination is determined with a liquid particle counter. Limit values apply to our hi-tech cleaning wipers, and if they are exceeded, the relevant production batch is initially withdrawn. It is then subjected to another decontamination, checked again and only then released for sale.


Particle determination ( immersion method)

Particles have been visualized, counted and analyzed microscopically since the first hour of pure technology. Even though  various devices in our research laboratory for  automatic particle counting are available, the residue particles from the test items are visually evaluated by us. This is the only way to incorporate decades of experience into the assessment. With the help of the illustrated automated light microscope, it is possible to work in the following contrast variants: incident light, transmitted light, oblique light, polarization and fluorescence.         


Drop absorption time  (Water wettability)

A part of  Clean technology wiping agents  made of polymers which, without a special treatment, have a low water-wettability. They are hydrophobic and must be made capable of absorbing water by adding a surfactant. In order to control the hydrophilization processes of textile materials, it is measured how long it takes for a drop of water to sink into the material.


Electrical purity test

The electrical discharge behavior of textile wiping agents in clean technology is an indicator parameter for the material purity of textile materials after the decontamination process of polymeric wiping agents when the material moisture is known. Win Labuda has applied for a patent for the test method.



Put the test item in 600 ml test liquid 
(Ultrapure water, surfactant or solvent)


Shake the test item in the test liquid for 5 min at 125 rpm 


Measure the size distribution and number of particles using a liquid particle counter


Number of particles per m² (cumulative size distribution)


DUT three times in
Immerse 1000 ml of ultrapure water and allow to drain


Filter an aliquot (250 ml) of the test water through a membrane


Count the number of particles at five positions using a light microscope


Number of particles per m² (> 0.2 µm, in total)


Visualize the test object in the contour view


Apply ten individual drops of water to the textile surface


Follow the sinking process with a high-speed camera


Drop absorption time in milliseconds


Completely discharge the conditioned test item using alternating voltage


Charge the test item to the nominal voltage


Record discharge time value for 60 seconds


Discharge time value after 60 seconds in percent

Anker QS-Methoden
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